Wall insulation

Wall Soundproofing Materials
Wall insulation is very important to ensure peace and quiet. Today's technologies, the vehicles we use and environmental noise seriously affect our social and business lives. With Palikar products,...

Construction Chemicals and Accessories
The points that Ondutek pays attention to in insulation are water insulation, heat insulation, sound insulation and moisture condensation control. Humidity and condensation that will reach there...

Internal Wall Board
Ravatherm stone wool is an insulation product produced with or without foil by laminating one surface of the board to a plasterboard. Eliminates the risk of condensation by using aluminum foil...

ODE Evomineral Partition Board
It is a new mineral wool partition board against heat, sound and fire insulation produced by ODE Yalıtım's special production technology. It has high heat, sound insulation and fire safety...

QuadCore KS100PRW Wall Panel
QuadCore Trapezoidal Wall Panel KSD100PRW is a through-fix, insulated wall panel available in 1000mm width and in lengths of up to 18m, allowing for fast and cost-effective installation in vertical...

Roofing Systems
Everything about roofing systems: tile roofing, sheet roofing, shingle roofing, ceramic roofing, green roof systems

Ceiling Soundproofing Materials
The sound insulation to be applied on the ceiling should generally be suitable for the purpose of preventing airborne and vibration-related sounds. With ceiling sound insulation, you can prevent some...

Modularis Cold Modular System
The Modularis Cold concept is created by smart use of the loadbearing capacity of insulated panels in accordance with the strict rules of engineering discipline. The turnkey system eliminates the...

Epikon Aflame Waterproofing Membrane
The new Epikon Aflame, produced with a thickness of 5 mm with a dense elastomeric formula and a special felt carrier with high mechanical strength, is a flexible, durable and long-lasting...

Epikon Eternal Waterproofing Membrane
The new Epikon Eternal, where a heavy elastomeric formula and a special felt with high mechanical strength are blended with high technology, is a practical and durable waterproofing membrane that can...

Epikon Proof Waterproofing Membrane
Epikon Proof New Generation Foundation Waterproofing System, a high-strength carrier and high-performance SBS-added polymer bitumen formulated with the latest technology, Epikon Proof is a new...

External Board
By interlocking the fibers in stone wool board to form a complex fiber structure, resistance to withstand high pressure at lower densities is created. Braid fiber structure makes the sheathing...

KS110CTF Camlock Panel
KS110CTF Camlock cold store panels are designed for use within temperature-controlled and hygiene-safe environments such as food processing, freezers, pharmaceuticals, cold/chill stores and clean...

QuadCore CladRack KS103LSSF / KS103LMSF Panel
Kingspan CladRack panels are specifically designed for use in industrial structures where external cladding rack systems and high-level thermal insulation are needed. Available in 3 distinct...

QuadCore KS110CTF Coldstore Panel
Kingspan KS110CTF cold store panels are designed for use within temperature-controlled and hygiene-safe environments such as food processing, freezers, pharmaceuticals, cold/chill-store and...

QuadCore KS110CTF Mega-Box Coldstore Panel
Kingspan KS110CTF Mega-Box cold store panels are designed for use within temperature-controlled and hygiene safe environments such as food processing, freezers, pharmaceuticals, cold/chill stores and...

Terrace Roof Board
Used for heat, sound and moisture insulation in terrace roofs. Stone wool board without coating.

Thermal Insulation Systems
Everything about facade thermal insulation and tile - sheet - metal compatible roof thermal insulation systems