Primer | EnBa Epoxy Primer

It is a two-component, reaction-drying epoxy resin-based, epoxy primer with solvent which has good adhesion, curing with its polyamide hardener, highly filling, able to form a solid base for the coatings to be applied on it.

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- As a primer for polyurethane insulation products (such as Entech EnBa Likit - Pur W1K),
- As a primer before polyurea application,
- As a primer layer before the application of epoxy or polyurethane top coatings on concrete, cementitious or epoxy mortars, on floors subject to medium and heavy loads,
- As a concrete primer to wet the concrete surface and provide a good bonding bridge before epoxy mortar, self-leveling epoxy screed, epoxy laminate or epoxy/polyurethane top coat coatings,
- It is used as a primer before the application of polyurethane foam.

• It is easy to prepare and apply.
• It can be sanded easily.
• It provides high corrosion and moisture resistance.
• It creates a smooth surface for all kinds of air and oven dried topcoats to be applied on it.
• It prepares the ground for all kinds of paint and coating materials to be applied on it.