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  • 2018

The interior lighting design of ETS Tur General Directorate, which bought Building C of Fikirtepe Business Istanbul, one of the biggest office projects in Turkey, was worked by NA LightStyle. With 11 floors and an area of ​​13.000 m², with its innovative architecture and comfortable office life, a unique workspace has been prepared for the users. In the building, where different functions such as offices, meetings, seminars and meals are designed, the lighting, especially in the call center, which is active for long hours at night, is designed to increase the comfort and work efficiency of the employees. In the lighting design, attention was paid to ensure a unity with the corporate brand stance, taking into account the night view on its completely glass facade, as well as the interior architecture.
Lighting is an important part of office design that cannot be left to chance. In addition to affecting personal comfort and health, the positive effects of light on motivation and performance have been scientifically proven. Today, increasing the health, happiness and productivity of employees in offices, especially when there is little or no natural light, is only possible with a professionally prepared Lighting Design according to the requirements of the lighting technique.