For A Better View: Panora-View
This started to change from the industrial revolution when steel and glass became a part of building industry. People could design wider openings on their facade but they were still limited.
Panora-View by Libart presents a new paradigm to the architectural world. Thanks to building Technologies of this century and Libart, creating openings never been freer before. Now, designers can maximize their openings as much as they desire. Panora-View Windows & Doors are large span (up to 4.3m W) and height (up to 4m H) motorized, vertical retracting door and window systems, consisting of 1 to 4 panes. In Panora-View system, there are no undesirable elements which block the way with you and the view. Thus you can achieve an obstructed horizon and never miss a sunset, a rainbow or a snow-capped peak again.
Ve Cafe Restaurant in İstanbul,Turkey, one of the first applications of the Panora-View system. Before that, they were closing these openings with manual screen systems. When there was wind or cold all the employees of the cafe were disturbing the customers and trying to close the screens. The cafe owner is using this system since 2013 and he is glad to choose Libart. Now, customers can take a seat anytime and anywhere they want. The manager of the cafe says “when it’s windy or cold outside but if we need fresh air, we just simply open the system as much as we want” this is a perfect example of what Libart provides, indoor comfort outdoor freedom throughout the whole year.
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