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Dumlupinar Victory Monument: A Monumental Symbol of the Turkish War of Independence

Dumlupinar Victory Monument: A Monumental Symbol of the Turkish War of Independence

This monumental structure stands in Zafertepe, the site of the Battle of the Commander in Chief, a crucial turning point in the War of Independence. Levent Aksüt and Yaşar Marulyalı, founders of Uskon A.Ş. and Çelik Yapı A.Ş., designed this monument to honor the Turkish nation's struggle and victory in this war.

Architectural Context and Project Design

The Dumlupınar Victory Monument is an impressive composition of triangular blocks symbolizing the stages of Turkey's War of Independence and the nation's resistance against invading forces. The tallest block represents the final victory as a symbol of national unity, while the others depict phases of the people's united struggle. Rising from 3 to 14 meters, these blocks help visitors relive the war's challenging journey. Rather than a typical monument, this project aims to create an experiential space where the public can internalize this epic conflict.

Photo: @UmoMimarlik. From left to right: Yaşar Marulyalı and Levent Aksüt working on the Dumlupınar Victory Monument model in their office, 1962.

Designed by Yaşar Marulyalı and Levent Aksüt in 1962, this monument showcases a dynamic composition of sharp geometric forms. The arrangement of triangular blocks at varying heights and angles lends depth and movement to the structure. A pointed mass rises from the center, emphasizing the monument's upward reach. Clad in Kestanbol granite, the blocks create a visually and spiritually striking atmosphere.

The monument's impressive scale surpasses human dimensions, lending it a captivating presence in its surroundings. Strong contrasts of light and shadow enhance the structure's sculptural effect, resulting in a dramatic visual display.

Project Process and Structural Details

In 1962, a competition was held for the Dumlupınar Victory Monument. The jury, which included Mr. Turgut Cansever, evaluated forty projects in the first phase. Eight projects qualified for the second phase, where Levent Aksüt and Yaşar Marulyalı's design was awarded first prize.

The project respected Zafertepe's natural structure and authentically preserved the monument's surroundings. It expanded beyond a mere monument by including additional facilities such as a ceremony area, seating, parking lots, a museum, and lodgings. This approach showcased the project's conception as a large complex.

Photograph: Dumlupınar Victory Monument designed by Yaşar Marulyalı and Levent Aksüt, 1962

The monument's structural design portrays the preparatory stages of the War of Independence and the Turkish nation's victory. It transcends being merely a monumental symbol, creating a living space for visitors to explore. The designers envisioned it not only as an external sculpture but as an experiential space where one can walk through and observe the battlefields.

Monumental Expression of Victory

The Dumlupınar Victory Monument holds a significant place in architectural history as a key representation of Turkey's struggle for independence. Levent Aksüt and Yaşar Marulyalı, founders of Umo Architecture, shaped the project as both a monument and a symbol of victory and national will. By reflecting the spirit of the War of Independence and expressing Turkey's confidence in the future, this project has earned a distinctive place in the architectural world.

In conclusion, the Dumlupınar Victory Monument and Facilities immortalizes the Turkish nation's independence struggle through both architectural and spiritual symbolism. It conveys a powerful message to future generations: national unity and solidarity are key to overcoming all challenges.


Cover photo: Dumlupınar Victory Monument designed by Yaşar Marulyalı and Levent Aksüt, 1962