Elastomeric Waterproofing Material | BTMSEAL Elasto Dryroof


BTMSEAL ELASTO DRYROOF is the specially formulated elastomeric based waterproofing material to be applied to various surfaces. By means of its special formulation, it provides excellent weather resistance and waterproofing characteristics for many substrates. White color is UV-resistant. It is resistant to chalking and dirt and algae, fungus and mildew formation and bridges hairline cracking and also it is resistant to yellowing. It maintains its flexibility at even very high and low temperatures.

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Inclined reinforced concrete, terrace and concrete surfaces, cement based sheet surfaces, river and grooves, under tile waterproofing.

• Excellent coverage
• Excellent weather resistance
• Bridges hairline cracking
• Waterproofing
• Resistant to UV rays
• Algae & Fungus resistant
• Easy to apply
• Flexibility