Blue Bead Porcelain Tile

The energy of blue, which brings harmony, serenity, and relaxation to our lives, is carried to the pools with Blue Bead. These blue pool tiles, which contain the most beautiful tones of blue, the color of the sky and infinity, create a sense of calm and relaxation for the person entering the pool. Blue Bead makes you feel free from blue to light blue by adding an eye-catching touch to pools with its modern lines and blue glow. With Blue Bead tiles, you will feel the relaxing power of water in your pools, and calmness will surround you with the peace of transparent blue waters.

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Pool, Balcony, Terrace, Bathroom, Exterior, Interiors

• Texture: Relief
• Size: 33x66cm / 33x33cm / 5x5cm / 10x10cm / 16,5x16,5cm
• Thickness: 7,9 Mm
• Indoor Use: Wall and Floor
• Outdoor Use: Wall and Floor
• Surface Appearance: Mat
• Composition: Glazed Porcelain
• Product Group: Naturel Serie
• M²/Box: 1.30 M²
• M²/Pallet: 46,8 M²
• Box/Pallet: 36 quantity
• Pallet Weight: 820 Kg
• R Value: R11