Bi’Boya Smart Comfort
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On interiors, it is applied on properly prepared new mineral surfaces such as plaster, concrete, cement board, gypsum panel, old painted surfaces and putty.
• It is a multi-purpose coating material that can be prepared with local repair paste, primer or paint with different water ratios from the product in the same powder form.
• Provides high covering.
• With its ability to evacuate moisture, it breathes into buildings.
• It gives surfaces a matte, clean and decorative appearance.
• Easy to sand if used as a local repair paste.
• It dries quickly and saves time.
• Does not smell because it is diluted with water; It does not harm human and environmental health.
• Does not contain biocide.
• It does not bear the risks associated with the decision of the European Commission numbered 1272/2008.
• Thanks to its powder concentrated form, it provides ease of transportation and storage for the application area.
• It reduces water usage from production to consumption.
• It contains less volatile organic compounds than conventional dyes.