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GOLDEN PLUMB International Building Catalog Awards are the prestige awards of the building industry. “GOLDEN PLUMB”, the first product award in the field of building materials in Turkey, organized by the Building-Industry Center from 1991 to 2017, will be presented under the roof of BUILDING CATALOG as of 2020, by people and institutions who are professionals and experts in their fields, around criteria suitable for 3 categories continues to be given to companies.


BUILDING CATALOG, which is the most reliable source of the building industry in its 48-year history, aiming for architects, projects, construction sites to meet with building material companies and to obtain detailed information about the products, has assumed the mission to carry the building industry to an international dimension by organizing the GOLDEN PLUMB awards as of 2020. The competition, which was held for the first time in 2020 under the roof of "BUILDING CATALOG"; In 2021, it continues to keep the pulse of the construction industry, by being organized for the 27th time under the hosting of BUILDING CATALOG.

As the GOLDEN PLUMB International Building Award program is approaching its 30th year, it is an award program that can be applied by companies, organizations, academic groups, research laboratories and entrepreneurs operating in the field of building materials in the Turkish construction industry, offering new ideas, technology and opportunities in the field of building materials. It aims to increase its contribution to the development of the sector day by day by supporting its products.


For detailed information:

  • Date:01 May - 31 December 2021


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