
Brand: OYAK Beton-Aquabet

It is a special concrete designed to be used in wet and humid areas with increased water impermeability. The permeability of concrete is a function of the voids in the concrete and the micro cracks at the interface of the cement paste aggregate. It is important for concrete to be durable and free from gaps and impermeability. Durability and permeability in concrete are two closely related events. Fluid permeability of concrete; pressurized water is carried out by capillary suction and steam. If the necessary precautions are not taken in terms of impermeability, these three permeability in concrete reaches the same and negative high values ​​and this leads to problems in terms of durability. It is extremely important that the concretes to be used in areas exposed to water or moisture are suitable for environmental conditions. Although insulation materials are used in such areas, there is a high risk of exposure to moisture and corrosion. The effect of corrosion on structures is destructive. Impermeable concrete protects iron and steel reinforcement against corrosion and external influences.

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- Roof and terrace floors
- Pool and water tanks
- Drainage and water channels
- Curtain walls in contact with soil
- Wet or damp foundations


Concrete Compressive Strength Class: C25 / 30 - C30 / 37 - C35 / 45 - C40 / 50
Consistency Class: S3, S4, S5
Consistency Protection Time: 1 Hour
Total Air Content: <2,5%
Max. Water Processing Depth: 50 mm

ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, OHSAS 18001: 2015, TS EN 206, G Certificate of Conformity, KGS Certificate of Conformity