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Tomorrow will be Too Late | Buildings and Carbon Emission File - I

Tomorrow will be Too Late | Buildings and Carbon Emission File - I

Carbon emissions, one of the major factors contributing to climate change, refer to the release of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The extraordinary accumulation of these gases’ traps heat in the atmosphere, leading to global warming. This phenomenon results in irreversible disasters such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, the melting of glaciers causing a rise in sea levels, and disruptions in the natural ecosystem, which we are already experiencing today. Therefore, significantly reducing carbon emissions is crucial to maintaining the livability of the world.

As can be seen in the table above, carbon emissions are directly related to many sectors. However, buildings are responsible for a significant portion of carbon emissions. Some of these emissions occur due to the people living in buildings and the systems used, while others arise during the construction process of the structures. In what stages of a building's construction process does carbon emission occur, and what can be done to reduce this emission? These questions are explored in the following text.

The Production Process of Building Materials

The production of building materials constitutes a significant portion of carbon emissions. For example, approximately one-sixth of all global carbon emissions arise from the production of commonly used materials in the construction sector, such as iron, steel, aluminum, and cement. Therefore, reducing the excessive use, and if possible, eliminating the use of products in the construction sector, including iron, steel, aluminum, and cement, is one of the most crucial steps that can be taken to decrease the carbon gas released into the atmosphere.

In addition, using materials produced from renewable sources or those that are recyclable helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide during the construction of a building. Preferring building materials with low carbon emissions is also beneficial.

To learn more about CF Precast, one of the companies in the construction sector in Turkey producing cement-free and low carbon emission building materials, click here.

Transportation and Logistics

After the production of building materials, the process of transporting them to construction sites is one of the factors contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

Sourcing these materials from distant points will increase carbon dioxide emissions, while obtaining them from local sources will optimize these emissions.

Construction and Energy

During the construction process of a building, the machinery and equipment used on construction sites operate with fossil fuels and require high energy. Therefore, the operation of these machines constitutes another contributor to carbon emissions. At this point, opting for more energy-efficient machinery or choosing renewable energy sources for fuel will help reduce carbon emissions.

Waste Management

Poor management of construction waste generated during the construction site can also increase the carbon footprint. Creating waste management plans for these materials and recycling them will be a crucial step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions produced during the construction of a building.

These factors represent only a few of the processes causing carbon emissions during a building's construction, and methods to reduce these emissions. Sustainable design criteria considered during the design and planning phase of a structure, methods such as complying with green building certifications, will also help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.


Kurnaz, L., (2019)., Son Buzul Erimeden, İstanbul: Doğan Kitap.