Building Catalog - Platform for Creating Qualified Space

Contact Us +90 (850) 303 27 83


  • Atatürk Plastik O.S.B. Mah. 6. Cadde No:8 , Menemen, İzmir, Türkiye
  • 0232-3768085
Beyond has a team of architects, engineers and craftsmen working together, focused on designing and fabricating mass customized free form architectural surfaces beyond your expectations. With over 50 years of experience from Beyond's parent company, Göktoğan TMM, Beyond operates under our new 54000 square foot factory. Beyond team of experts at Beyond specialize on design automation, parametric design and fabrication technologies.
Beyond's patented substructure integrated 3d wall systems  allow us to rationalize and fabricate freeform architectural surfaces and forms. Beyond's patented three dimensional surface panelling system helps us design unique and spectacular spaces for you while offering formal and dimensional freedom, large selection of materials, acoustic capability, perforation options and interactive lighting integration in order to take your space to the next level.